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When Giving Becomes a Family Affair

Bernard “B” and Peggy Bearman
Bernard “B” and Peggy Bearman

Bernard—known as “B”—and Peggy met shortly after his return from World War II. Though they hadn’t met on campus, they’d both attended the University of Missouri and shared their love of their alma mater with all six of their children.

“It really was key to a lot of their life experiences,” says Bob Bearman, the oldest of the siblings. “They shared many of those MU memories with us and always maintained that it was a great place to get an education.”

So for Christmas one year, Bob and his siblings chipped in for something special.

“The university sent a wonderful letter to my parents letting them know about the new scholarship in their name and that it would exist in perpetuity," says Bob. “They were overwhelmed, to say the least, and so excited to get involved.”

Their first scholarship recipient, a high school senior from the St. Louis suburbs, graduated with her nursing degree in the early ’90s. In the years since their parents' passing, the siblings have continued to hear from recipients of the Bernard L. and Peggy K. Bearman scholarship—even getting to meet some, on occasion.

“The scholarship is very much a family affair now,” says Bob. “We all keep up with it—what our students ended up studying, the clubs they joined, and where they’re from.”

Over time, the family has continued to grow the fund. Most recently, Bob began receiving payments from a charitable gift annuity: a gift the university had immediately put to work.

“I’d deferred the payments for about six years, since I didn’t have a particular need, and the payments are higher if you start them at an older age,” says Bob. “And it’s nice to have some guaranteed income while you’re retired. A win-win, basically.”

Now, with the scholarship continuing to grow, it will be a family tradition that gets even better with age. “B” and Peggy would be proud.

Want to leave a legacy like the Bearmans did? Your gift will directly impact MU students and programs. Please contact The Office of Gift Planning at 1-800-970-9977 or 573-882-0272 or giftplanning@missouri.edu to learn more.


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